
Jun 22, 2023

After painting in watercolours for over 30 years the most popular question I am asked is about the brand of watercolour paints that I use followed by the colours I like. Here is my view on my personal favourites.

Watercolour painting of an evening sunset in greys and golds lying on a desk top

Which brand?

There are two brands that I use…

Jun 13, 2023

For many people, artists and illustrators included, getting a new sketch book or journal is an exciting moment. A whole new book of lovely, crisp white (or off white) pages just waiting for your first marks. If you are anything like me, you may stroke the cover and sniff the paper. Oh, is that just me then?

Jun 6, 2023

As a wildlife artist and illustrator I am always looking for new techniques and information to help expand my skills. YouTube is my second home these days. I love the wide variety of videos that feed my curiosity and I have picked up more than a little new information from some of them too. Even after more than 30 years of creating art I am always learning new things - and I love it.

As a result of seeing all that variety I thought I would share some of my own techniques for creating…

May 3, 2022

Update June 2023:

I had to stop making my paper beads last year due to problems with my hands. I would like to thank all my lovely customers who bought and used the beads. It was a wonderful time for me and brough me lots of exciting opportunities. My silk cords are still available on Etsy at this time.

For those who have been following the craft side of my work, you can now find my full collection of paper beads and silk cords in my

May 18, 2021

I am rather sad this week. They are chopping down woodland on the hill behind the house. It has been there for more than 160 years, is one of the largest stands of pine trees in my area and is home to badgers, deer, foxes, rodents of all kinds, many species of birds, plants, fungi, lichen and insects. It was the last local refuge for red squirrels a few years ago too.  It is sad that so many species are now being displaced in the desire for profit.

The first photo is the covert…

Jan 20, 2021

First things first - I am now on Instagram. Yes, I am very behind the times in joining. I would never say that I am first in line with anything - but this time I seem to be roughly 1 billionth in line. I am hoping that Instagram will give my work a little more exposure out there on the internet. I have certainly found a host of new artists and creatives on there and seeing their beautiful work makes me smile. So, if you would like to…