
Oct 31, 2020

I thought I would do a little 'Meet the artist' article for my blog this month. Just a few questions and answers about me as an artist that I thought might be of interest.

When did you first realize you wanted to become an artist? The first time I was asked 'what do you want to be when you grow up' I replied 'dental nurse'. I…

Oct 7, 2020

I don't usually write political posts on my nature journal/blog but I have just seen a post about the HS2 project taking control of the Calvert Jubilee nature reserve in Buckinghamshire. I cried. A large part of the nature reserve will be bulldozed to make way for a new fast rail link between London and the north of England. And by the 'north of England' I mean about half way up the body of mainland Britain, on the western side of England, to Manchester. It is going to destroy large swathes…

Feb 21, 2020

On more than one ocassion I have been asked why I don't have my own domain for my web site. I did have one for a couple of years but ended up wrangling with my domain supplier over both information and money. l was not comfortable with that and, for some strange and unknown reason, could not get the domain moved to another supplier. So I decided just to drop the domain. We won't talk about all the business cards I had with my domain on. What has the following picture got to do with domains…

Feb 18, 2020

So, it's winter. Not that you would know it. There has been a distinct lack of snow and cold weather. We had some snowfall this last week but it did not lie, the closest lying snow being in the hills. However I did take the opportunity to prance about in the falling snow with Indy, who also found it great fun. One never knows when the next snow will happen.

Aug 24, 2019

summer landscape in scottish borders

I can't believe it has been so many months since I last wrote a blog post. So much to do, so little time. I guess we are all in the same boat.

My last post was about the fruit last autumn. In Scotland they say that a heavy crop of berries means it will be a cold and heavy winter. Let me tell you - if last autumn's heavy fruit…

Oct 10, 2018

Autumn has been - and pretty much gone. The Scottish Borders has had so much wind recently, including two storms. So, as soon as the leaves turned gold they were blasted off the trees. However, after the very hot summer we had followed by some damp weather, the fruit on the trees and roadside bushes have been glorious.

dog rose rosehips scottish borders